The Good Fight – Entry 83

dropKAGThe Good Fight

Please excuse the couple day delay. I started feeling better and got hyper focused on trying to get things done. I had two days that were purty great! Yesterday and today not as much but that’s to be expected I guess. Well let’s jump right in and see where this goes…

Medication changes have slowed but are still happening. As I said above I’ve been having some really good days and still lots of not so good days. With all the changes being made I sort of expected this but hoped it wouldn’t happen. I’m pushing through the bad the best I can. Even though I felt horrible I’ve still been able to get some stuff done this morning already. I’m going to make a push to get as much done as possible today and hope that I start feeling better tomorrow.

It was a busy weekend. I got a lot done. Friday night company came over. We did a little table top gaming. It was a really good time. I also did some 3D printing on Friday. Continued with the 3D printing Saturday and then yesterday I started to feel a bit rough but managed to still get a some stuff done. This morning I had to go pull last nights prints, clean up the printers and prep them for the next print day. I’ve got several things to print so it’s going to take me a couple days to get everything setup and ready. With the way I’m feeling now that might not be this week, but I’m going to try. Still waiting on the new beast. Excited to see what that bad boy can do. It’s got a huge print bed of 450x450x500mm so I’ll be doing some much larger prints!

Sunday I started not feeling well again and by today I’m having a fairly rough time. I don’t know what’s causing this randomness in how I feel but my meds are changing a lot right now so I’m just blaming that until it’s over. Sunday I got a little 3D printing done and today I cleaned up the printers and shut them down when I had a chance. I’ve been sleeping most of the day today. It’s been a fairly uneventful day. I’m hoping tomorrow things are better. I might have pushed myself too hard on Friday and Saturday. That’s my hope at least. It could still be the medication but now I’m just talking in circles. I didn’t sleep well at all last night so there are so many factors it’s hard to figure out the exact cause right now. I’m back to not eating much at all and I’m out of boost shakes so there’s another problem. Right now I’m starting to feel really rough again so I think it’s back to the couch for the night.

So some good, some bad. Let’s hope for better days to come. With that I’m going to call this one done. Thanks for being here, you’re very much appreciated. I hope everyone had a great Monday and much love to all!