The Good Fight – Entry 82

dropKAGThe Good Fight

Well we’ve made it to another weekend and I actually know what day it is! Yesterday wasn’t such a good day but today has started off much better. I wasn’t feeling too hot most of the day yesterday. I ended up crashing many times, needing frequent naps. Wasn’t feeling well, in a lot of pain and the tremors were terrible. It was kind of unproductive but resting yesterday helped me feel better today I think. If I can get a good day every other day I’ll take it! Well let’s jump on in…

Still behind on chores around the RV and property. I’m slowly making some head way but not fast. I still feel like I’m so far behind. Yesterday just plain sucked. So today I’m trying much harder to keep going. I have so much on my to do list it’s insane and it keeps getting bigger. I hope these past few good days that I’ve had in-between the bad are a sign of better things to come. I’m very hopeful at this point.

I start my new medication tomorrow. Had several doctors appointments yesterday. Spoke to the medication specialist and confirmed my neurologist supported the path he wants to take. This whole major medication change has been really rough but it is for the better I’m very sure. I’ve not felt this clear and present in life for a very long time. So here’s hoping things keep improving!

It’s been a busy morning already. Got Dart his meds, took him on a walk with his friend (my buddies dog). Then I fired up the 3D printers and got them started on prints for tonight’s table top game. I’m hoping the good day continues into this evening as I have company coming over. Then I packed some boxes and got them ready to ship. About to take a shower, run a couple errands with a friend and keep pushing to get as much done today as possible. I’m really looking forward to this evening.

Well I did get some good news yesterday. I got a tentative date for my disability hearing. That’s not to say they won’t change it or I’ll get approved but having a tentative date is better than nothing! I’ve got a lot of paperwork to get done before the hearing but it shouldn’t be a problem. Right now I’m scheduled for early summer right before my birthday. What a grand birthday present if I were to get approved finally. I’ve got really good hopes since I’m going in front of a disability judge this time and it’s not some random person in an office somewhere reading a file. I’m happy to finally get to speak my story and explain my challenges. I am a bit scared though… another denial would almost be detrimental to me. BUT… I have to stay positive and keep moving forward.

I could type another several pages today but I’m running short on time. My friend will be ready to give me rides for errands very soon so I have to get myself together. I’m glad to be writing some positive things as I’m sure you get tired of hearing of only negative. You are all very much appreciated and much love to everyone! See you tomorrow!