The Good Fight – Entry 79

dropKAGThe Good Fight

One day off and back so here I am! As for how many still read the crap I write makes me wonder lol. I guess this is for me as much as it is for you. I debate if this is a good use of the little energy and ability I have with my hands currently. I do sometimes wonder why I keep writing but I do and for now guess I’ll continue. With that, let’s jump on in…

Well Friday was decent until it wasn’t. Was a fairly rough day but I had gotten a decent amount accomplished. Got everything ready, friends came over and I lasted for awhile. As it got later my body started crashing. Headache, dizzy, nauseous, pain, tremors, rigidity. Up until that time things were decently good. I could feel it slowly coming on and bam down I went. Had to head up to bed and lay down. I felt bad having to leave my buddies but at this point I think everyone in my life understands what I’m going through.

Yesterday started out horrible. I had a panic attack after Darts morning walk and that consumed most of my morning. By the time that was over I knew I need to take a day and rest. I’m very blessed that a friend stopped by and brought me some stuff I had not tried. He brought me some Adabinol which we will talk about further in the blog. We had some great conversation. I don’t get to see this friend often as he has a company and wife to take care of, he also travels a lot. When I do get to converse with him it’s wonderful. I think of him as not only a friend but an inspiration. One of the many that keep me going.

Ok let’s talk about medications. I’ve been trying to minimize my chemical input to step back and see how I actually feel. I’ve done good at getting down to a base level, although my body is suffering a good bit. My tremors, pain and rigidity are all worse. My stomach hasn’t been doing well and my sleep has not been good. I expected most of that… what I did not expect is to see old forgotten symptoms coming back along with all new symptoms/problems. In minor discussions with a doctor there’s a good chance I may have more than one illness/disease. It’s all speculation at this point but I do see my neurologist on Monday. After hearing my update she moved my appointment very fast so that scares me a bit. I expect a plethora of new or the same tests again coming. At this point I’m just along for the ride, gotta see where life takes me. I’m just praying we can get this more figured out so I can get the use of my hands/body back, less pain, more energy.

As for medication I may have found a new path! I don’t take pain pills because they would further complicate my gut, make my body weaker in many ways and lots of other not good things. I’ve seen first hand what pain medication can do to a person. I choose to smoke concentrated oils that come from marijuana. Yesterday my friend brought over Adabinol which is a cannabis syrup. Instead of smoking it you just eat it like cough syrup. Not only did it take away a lot of pain. It made my hands feel better. My stomach didn’t hurt as much, so I ate a bit extra yesterday. A lot of my anxiety was gone and my mood was better. I actually got decent sleep last night. I woke up this morning not feeling absolutely horrible. Lastly I didn’t have to smoke but once or twice yesterday. So all around this stuff has helped me greatly. I took 20mg ish, around 4 times yesterday and bam feeling really decent. Don’t get me wrong it’s no magic cure all tonic. It is a game changer though. I literally just heard my stomach growl with hunger. I honestly want to cry I’m so happy. Ok I did cry a little. Finally some relief after months of what I can only call hell. So wonderful.

So that brings us to now. What’s on the schedule today… Well I have to swap out water tanks in the water cooler where I get my fresh cold/hot water. I have to swap out propane tanks as I think it ran out this morning. I know the heater blower needs oil, it was kicking itself on and off. Then it locked itself up and I had to reset the system at around 3:30am. Woke up freezing knew something was wrong. That was a bunch of fun let me tell ya. Other then that what ever else I can manage to get done today! and with that I think it’s time to keep the day rolling.

Even though I still feel fairly crappy. It’s better than before so that counts for something. I’m going to do the best I can to make this a full day and hopefully get lots more accomplished! If you are still here with me as always I very much appreciate you! Many blessings and the best of health my friends! Much love to everyone!