The Good Fight – Entry 78

dropKAGThe Good Fight

Well it’s already been an eventful morning. Woke up to crazy wind and rain. Then it got clear so Dart and I took a quick damp walk. Then it started to snow insanely hard. Now 30 min later it sounds like wind and rain again… WTF IS GOING ON!

So as I said we took our morning walk. The weather the past two days has been insane. Mostly been staying inside. Yesterday was a very good day. I felt terrible but seemingly got a lot accomplished for me. Did the morning stuff. Got in a couple walks. Ran errands. Mailed off the boxes I had packed. Cleaned a little and started sorting some stuff that I need to sell. By last night even with rest breaks I was toasted, having massive pain and had to hit the bed at around 7:30pm. Couldn’t sleep right away but was soon out cold.

My body and mind still aren’t lining up. When ones good the others not. Spoke with the medication specialist and we’re holding on any further changes until I can speak to my Neurologist. I see her Monday afternoon. Here’s hoping for a good weekend. Tonight some friends are coming by to keep me company so that will be fun!

Darts still being Dart. He’s playful when he can be but I can tell like me he doesn’t feel well a lot. I think our walks are helping a bit. He’s got some other issues that I need to take him to the vet for but need to build up some funds first. It’s nerve racking trying to care for him and give him a good life when I’m barely surviving. I have to admit he is probably the one main reason why I’m still going at this point. He’s my light, heart and soul. During the worst times he can always make me smile and feel better. I’m truly blessed to have him.

I did get to speak to my lawyer this morning and it looks like we’re getting closer to a hearing date for my disability. It’s both exciting and scary. If I get denied again it will be life shattering. That kind of scares the crap out of me. Like everything else I’m just going to suck it up and push through like everything else.

Today is going to be mostly a day of cleaning and rest. I don’t think I have energy for much else. My body isn’t happy and the pain is dialed all the way up.

Since it’s Friday I’ll keep this one fairly short and sweet. As always thank you for joining me on my journey. You are all very much appreciated, much love to everyone!