The Good Fight – Entry 77

dropKAGThe Good Fight

Even though I felt like total crap yesterday, I pushed through and finally got a little accomplished. Not feeling any better, possibly worse today but have a busy day so it’s going to be another hard push.

We can start with yesterday. After the blog I had several rest periods but managed to get a few things done. Did a couple walks with Dart. Packed up several boxes that need to go out. Took out the trash and did some minor cleaning. Swapped propane tanks out. Helped Ian stack wood and by the mid afternoon I was crashed out hard. Got up ate a little dinner. Then video chatted with a new friend while going through some tubs. After that I was toasted again and decided to call it a night.

It was a fairly productive day that came with loads of challenges and pain. I know my body needs exercise and later I typically feel better so that’s why I push so hard. In this case I may have pushed a little too hard because I’m still hurting today. It will pass soon hopefully!

Today is going to be a busy one. I have a couple doctors appointments. Hopefully getting some more boxes packed. Possibly posting what things I have left for sale. I also have to run errands between doctors appointments. Thank goodness for my buddy Ian. For two years now with little to no complaint he’s driven me around. Ever since I voluntarily turned in my license because I knew driving was a danger for me and to others. I also realized back then leaving the house alone was scary because I do have medical events randomly. I’ve been lucky that most things occur while at home, the place I am the most. I have had minor events while being out. I was thankful there was someone there with me when those occur. I hope this isn’t always the case but I’m very grateful for my friends that help me daily and or frequently. We’ll just have to see how far I get. Hard to tell when I’ll need breaks or when I’ll crash out. I’ll do my best.

My body is feeling a bit better, mind a bit worse today. Kind of tired, foggy, slow and having headaches. Body feels a bit better but still minor tremors, decent amount of rigidity and pain. Already got a mostly full walk in and all the morning stuff done. Dart seemed like he wasn’t feeling the best but was in decent spirits. I think he wants to get out to the forest more. Happy little guy loved running the trails. Now the poor little guy is stuck in an RV for most of the day. I give him all the love I can but sometimes I feel bad because I can’t give him more. Again, I just do the best I can. Just wish I could have him checked regularly by the vet. Speaking of…

If you want to give direct support for little Dart you can contact:
Broken Top Veterinary Clinic @ (541) 389-0391
Please note that you are donating funds for Dart to Ken Goff’s account.
If you would like to keep your donation private please just let them know.
All funds would go towards his prescription diet and or vet visits.
I appreciate and thank those that are able or want to help my little fur ball of love.

With that I need to get my day started before it all goes down hill. As always I appreciate you joining me on my journey. I hope your Thursday is fantastic! I wish great health and much love to everyone!