The Good Fight – Entry 76

dropKAGThe Good Fight

Today might be a little boring but I’ve been doing such a good job at posting I didn’t want to let myself slip. Not that any of my previous blogs were nail bitters. Might as well jump right in.

After some small corrections in what medications I was taking at what times, I’ve managed to help myself feel better. That makes me feel good, like I’ve maybe learned a little bit about my medications, body and ailment. Speaking of which now there’s talk that my situation might be more complicated than before, which isn’t good. I’m not going to go into detail yet because there’s nothing definitive. I’m all scheduled with the docs. My neurologist moved my appointment up to Monday which is highly irregular. I’m a bit concerned but it is what it is. At this point I just want to feel better and more importantly be more functional.

My lawyer emailed me and I’ve got to meet with him soon. I hope that means we’re making progress on the disability. I can’t get my hopes up at this point. Another situation where I just have to go with the flow and see what happens next.

I’m tired. Tired of having fighting so hard, being scared, feeling insecure, of things breaking or going wrong one after another, not being able to get my body and mind on the same path, begging for help and so much more. I haven’t lost hope but pushing through is getting harder and harder. It feels like this will never end. I just want to feel better, have some time to heal and get back to life. I need to do something with what good years I have left. I’ve never wanted anything more… to feel better and be functional again.

Yes I’m feeling some stress and frustration today. Not being able to get things done has been difficult to deal with. My mind being more clear the frustration increases when my body doesn’t want to work. Never thought my life would turn into such a battle to survive. I guess it is what it is, can’t change things, only move forward.

Quick summary of yesterday… a couple short walks, some chatting with friends, doctor visit, ate a bit and watched some tv. My mind want to just go go go and my body is saying no no no. I’m going to make a big push today and try to get some things done. If I can get one box packed I’ll feel accomplished.

Well on that note, I think this one can be done. I want to jump right into a few things before I wear out completely and crash. Today wasn’t so fun of a blog so I really appreciate you being here. Good things are coming I can feel it. Can’t believe we’re half way through another week. I hope you all have a fantastic Wednesday, wish you the best of health and much love to everyone!