The Good Fight – Entry 72

dropKAGThe Good Fight

Three days in a row! Although today I’m pushing hard to get this out. Wanted to get it done before I failed. This is a significant accomplishment for me. I’ve never thought I’d make it near this far. I’m happy that I have. I hope at one point I’ll be telling you all positive things. Today just isn’t that day yet… but let’s get right into it.

So yesterday… Let’s follow up on that what I got done and what I failed at game! Never got to my emails so fail there. I did get the heater blower bearing oiled and pictures of the blower taken so I can just start sourcing a new part. I’ve given up on an actual repair person and I’m defaulting to an old friend for help. Got the trash out and my two loads of laundry almost done. Just have to go into the house today and get the second load out of the dryer. Found some packing boxes. Talked to some doctors. Mind you I was taking frequent breaks in-between this all. That leads us up to shower time. Then guests came over. We played a table top game. I wasn’t completely there, the day had taken it’s toll on me. It was a great time though and I was very happy to see friends for awhile!

Yesterday was the day of random crashes. I’d be feeling ok then bam I’d feel like total crap. I know part of the problem is withdrawal from the medications. I assume I’ve got a couple/few more weeks of this left, hopefully less. I can now say for sure coming off a medication I’ve been on for many years (and probably shouldn’t have been) is absolutely terrible. The daily headaches bordering on migraines. The pain is insanely horrible. My entire body still hurts like before but now twice as bad. My hands have improved slightly but are still numb, rigid and very difficult to use. It feels like my whole body is falling apart. That’s difficult to deal with mentally. Then I’m still moving slow of course, my mind is better but not where I’d hoped to be. I’m still having fairly major cognitive issues. AND the two most dangerous and major problems. I can barely eat and only sleep on and off. The positive take away is I do feel better mentally. I’m much more positive, happy, wanting to push forward again and that very positive. If everything else would just tone down then I’d be super happy. At this point it’s just a waiting game. See how I feel after all the non essential medications are gone. Try to keep the chemicals at a minimum and only as needed.

Well I went to bed with it nice out. A little damp but mostly clear. Woke up to a couple inches of snow?!? It wasn’t even suppose to get that cold. So like every morning Dart got me up for his breakfast. Then I got on the boots, snow pants and other stuff. Headed out and realized it wasn’t all that bad. Did a little scooping and felt a bit weird so I took Dart on a little walk down the street. Maybe I should say he took me? lol. We didn’t do a full walk because people were out and he didn’t want to go down there for some reason. I typically let him dictate the walk and just follow along. Once we got back I finished scooping. There’s not much I can do but I do everything I can because the property owner has been more than kind to be for two years now. He’s a highly decorated war veteran that’s basically kept me alive and pushing forward. Loosing his legs hasn’t slowed him down one bit. That man at his age is such an inspiration to me. I feel extremely blessed to have these friends in my life. Without them I might not be here. I sure as heck wouldn’t be doing nearly as well.

So what’s on the schedule for today. Well I never did get those two figures printed for my buddy. I need to get that done. Probably won’t be today. My goal with the printers is to get them cleaned up and ready to go for hopefully tomorrow. I’ve got a few boxes to get packed today. That’s the number one goal. Other then that I need to get my last load of laundry out of the dryer. Spend some time with Dart. Clean up the RV a bit and get some extra rest today. It’s been a rough week. I’ve got more things that I can do today if I find the energy but I’ve been taking it slow. Letting my body and mind dictate what I get done and how fast. It feels like the the healthiest way to do it. When I push too hard sometimes it takes me down for extended periods of time. So I think it’s better to move in small steps and take frequent rest periods. I feel like I get more accomplished that way.

Speaking of just that… my body, hands specifically, are telling me it’s rest time. So with that we’ll wrap this one up and try to move forward with the day. I so very much appreciate you joining me on my journey. It’s been a weird one and heck, it might get weirder. I guess we just have to take it day by day and see. Until then much love and good health to everyone. May you have a fantastic weekend!