The Good Fight – Entry 62

dropKAGThe Good Fight

I do apologize that it’s been a few days since my last update. I’ve got plenty to tell! Some good, some not so good. So let’s just jump right into it…

First I’ll tell you about the last couple days. I GOT OUT OF THE RV FOR TWO DAY! That did a lot for me in a couple ways. I think I was finally coming completely off the bad meds. Friday was a real challenge mentally and Saturday started out really bad. I think getting out got my head out of the current thick of things. A change of scenery let my mind be occupied and at the same time rest a bit. Secondly getting out, I got a bunch of exercise. How do I know? By the time I got home last night I was literally sleep walking. It was awesome because I felt terrible but great! It was a really kinda normal couple days for everyone else I’m sure but an amazing weekend for me.

First on Saturday my buddy Brad came and picked me up. I won’t get too deep into his business but he’s worked hard for many years. Did something for himself and we had to go pick up a very nice new bike. It was probably a 6+ hour drive and we sat at the dealership for a long long time because they were crazy busy! It didn’t hurt my feelings one bit. They had every type of bike old to new, MX to street. I’ve rode all my life so it was fantastic getting to take the time to see things from my past and check out all the new innovations. Brad really stepped up to make my day fantastic! Came loaded with road trip supplies, bought me some food, let me talk his ear off. What a great friend. It was a LONG but super great day. We made it home, bike safely in back. I haven’t had the chance to talk with Brad but I hope after taxes he got a little riding in! I’ll be checking in today for the full fun story!

Next yesterday, Sunday, my friend Cody came and picked me up. We took a ride to the town over where he lives. Picked up his lovely lady and a couple other folks then went out for lunch. We sat outside, which in Oregon in Jan is crazy wonderful. Our table had a flame straight down the center and it kept us plenty warm. The food was darn good. I can easily say I haven’t anything better eating out in years. The staff and service were fantastic. Best of all… yet another friend bought me lunch. I feel so very blessed to have such wonderful friends. His other half is very nice (very cute too) and we all had great conversation. I could have sat there for hours. We also did a few other random things and then it was off back home. Just in time too, by time I hit the doorway I was so tired I barely made it to the couch. I was out instantaneously. Woke up several hours later, pained a Grogu rock and went to bed.

Painting, boy oh boy… that’s been a rock and a hard spot. My hands are working well enough to do everything but fine detail and finishing work. Between the rigidity and the tremors being extra bad it’s been half way impossible to do the finishing work on anything. I’ve got one piece I need to get done but I’m scared I’ll mess it up because my hands randomly decide to stop working these days. I am feeling decent today. Stiff but workable. So I may give the detailed pieces a go! We shall see… it is a bit frustrating having the feeling of being behind.

Coming off the bad meds was not fun of course, as I feared. Now I’m back to my super anxious, scared, insecure self. So at least I know it’s done and we can try something new. I’m fearful and hopeful all at once as to what the next medication adventure may bring.

Fridge is going from half arse working to not working at all randomly. I think it’s just toasted. I’m really nervous but we’re going to tear it out. I don’t know exactly how I’m going to afford the new fridge but I’m sure I’ll figure it out. Brad, Wes and several others have dedicated an upcoming day to helping me get some stuff done. I’m researching dimensions and replacement fridge options probably later today. I have so little when I loose one thing it really really sucks. I’m trying to stay positive about the situation but it’s just an expensive mess. Another expensive mess. Well expensive to me, I know for some people a few hundred dollars isn’t a big deal but for me that’s a months survival. When you have no steady income and are unable to work every single penny counts. My needs are getting great and my account is looking too low. Gotta figure that one out quick.

Well, I’ve got a doctors appointment, then lawyers to call and a couple other things to get done today. I think I’ll call this one good. Thank you for sticking with me on my journey! The donations have been so freaking wonderful! The support has been outstanding! I very much appreciate you all! Much love my friends to you and everyone in your life!