The Good Fight – Entry 61

dropKAGThe Good Fight

I often don’t read what I write in previous posts. I plan on going back and reading them some day. But I didn’t read my last post. I’m sure it was a shyt show. Well let’s not focus on the past, moving forward…

So I called contacted both my Neurologist and my medication specialist firs thing. I was told to stop taking the meds asap. The past few days have been kind of a blur. I’ve been slowing coming back to life but at the same time it’s been rough. I’m still not feeling the greatest but better so I’ll take it. I see the medication doctor on the 21st to discuss and move forward with something new I would assume.

So one thing gets worse, then it gets better. Then another thing gets worse… it’s like a never ending cycle. What I’m speaking about is the constant need for something. This time it’s my refrigerator. This isn’t the first time it’s died. Heck when I got the travel trailer, nothing worked and I fixed it all. The normal fixes aren’t working this time so it’s either the control board or the physical piping system is clogged up. It’s hard to say and it’s a complicated system because it runs on propane, 12v and 110v. The propane is disconnected because that line was broken. I removed the broken line and capped the end but never found a replacement line. So I can’t test the fridge on propane which would be optimal. So now I’m stuck guessing what the problem is. Have no extra funds for a repair man. Don’t know if it can be fixed. Yanking it and replacing it with a standard fridge of sorts is possible but would require funds and man power that I don’t have. So at this point I don’t know what I’m going to do.

Updated the lawyers this morning with all my new info. They confirmed this part of the process could take from 18 to 24 months… I honestly have no idea how I’m going to survive for that much longer if needed. Yeah I could get lucky and … but we all know that never happens especially with the government. So now I have no fridge and this huge weight on my shoulders. Two for two on the more stress and insecurity, just what I needed. I’m trying to find a positive take away from this one but failing to see it currently.

Yesterday was catching up with 3D printing. Stuff that I needed to get done and was behind on. Today was doctors, lawyers, tax crap and more doctors. I think I’m done with everything I HAVE to get done for the day. I think I’m going to lay down and take a nap. Started to feel extremely fatigued, back to the normal I guess.

There’s so much more I could, can, need to say but I’m crashing hard. So I’ll try to make the next post much sooner. Until then thank you for joining me on my journey. Much love my friends! Remember you ARE APPRICIATED! Be safe, and be kind (rewind).