The Good Fight – Entry 52

dropKAGThe Good Fight

Alright. I made it mid day today! That’s an improvement. I woke up again feeling terrible. Still feel fairly horrible. This will be another short one but I’m giving it my best effort!

Ok today… update! get my meds back tomorrow! See the medication specialist (what ever that is) on the 22nd. Can’t wait! I know we can do better with the meds, I mean seriously WTF? It’s so frustrating.

I managed to find the energy to maybe figure out a setting that was off on the 3D printer software setup thanks to my friend Marc… who continually puts up with my non-stop questions. Bless his wonderful soul for being such a good friend!

Played a game for an hour or maybe a little more then started to crash. My buddy had to go so it was good timing. It was frustrating because my hands aren’t working and emotions a bit out of check but nice to do something for myself with a friend. So that was very enjoyable for the most part!

Can’t do refined painting at the moment so commissions are slow to go. Refined painting just isn’t possible today I don’t think. I did get a piece dry brushed and ready for top coat though! Something is better than nothing. Took awhile and several different layers but even with the pain, tremors and rigidity I still managed to get a finish I liked!

That brings us to now… other then that had a little lunch. Right now I’m going to crash for a nap. Hoping to feel a little better later but hard to say in my current situation. For now I’ve got to call it good. More effort later, but it’s sleepy time now. Be safe, you are APPRICIATED! and MUCH LOVE my friends!