The Good Fight – Entry 49.1

dropKAGThe Good Fight

Not to be selfish, of which this is… but having a very kind and supportive friend pass unexpectedly brought be down a lot. Then the printer broke. The device of which was taking up most of my time and attention. After that my mind had little to focus on so being creative is difficult and some depression set back in… so you get blog posts like the one today. I’ve now taken my medication, ate some breakfast, taken some time to step back and relax. I know that I will make it because I do have people who care. BUT to those of you who know how real and shitty life can seem at times will understand. I will have good days and bad. Some blog posts won’t be as positive and may seem irrational to you. That’s OK!!! because most likely it is irrational. Parkinson’s combined with stress, anxiety and depression is a bad combination at times. When going through difficult things, especially a multitude of them, it’s extremely difficult for me to cope. I know your life isn’t easy either and I’m truly sorry for that. I’m honestly no more important that anyone else. I do feel truly blessed for all those that care. I am not sorry for the negative blog post because it was written in pure honesty. I hope you all can accept both my successes and failures. This morning was teetering on failure but with some support I was able to turn the day around. AND that’s what’s important. A few months ago I wouldn’t have been able to do this but it’s getting easier. This means I’m healing and learning to live with my current situation. I believe life will get better and won’t stay horrible forever. Right now because of you it’s not horrible, it’s been darn decent. So as always, you are appreciated and much love my friends ❤️