The Good Fight – Entry 48

dropKAGThe Good Fight

I know I know… it’s been 3 days. BUT it’s been a doozy of 3 days! Let’s get right into it.

Where to start, where to start. Let’s start with the best news! Energy Assistance finally responded and came through with a pledge large enough to keep my propane filled all winter! So I can now ensure I’ll definitely be warm! Got new clothing, got two new space heaters that are RV safe, and now have plenty of credit on file from the Energy Assistance donation! So fantastic news!

Ok on to the next… I took a couple days for me due to my friend passing and the holidays. Now I want to move past the sadness and celebrate his life. I’m involved with a charity thing for him. I won’t give any details just yet… I just offered my 3D printing services to help raise money for the funeral costs. I’m honored to do so. I’m blessed to have had Ralph as a very supportive friend. I’ll never forget the great conversations.

Well adventures in 3D printing came to a halt yesterday morning! I finally was ready to start printing the final test run for the Glyos project. My printer screamed at me (beeped really loud) and passed on to the dead electronics afterlife. Seems a main board from inside probably went bad. Good news is I should have a new one by the end of next week. Bad news is that this delays my project which delays income, etc… So good, not so good. Overall it sucks the printer went down but it’s cool. I’ll just be painting until then. My paint order seems to be coming in sections, multiple packages, so still waiting on some new paints. Still need to make another paint order but need to make some money first.

Medical update! Well I had to change the new regimen. My dopamine intake was not enough and my body started to tremor and lock up again. It was absolutely horrible and scary. This med change has been more difficult for some reason. My body doesn’t want to regulate, seems to be taking longer getting used to the changes. Oh well, I’ll push through. I haven’t been feeling well the past week but I’m hoping that changes soon. With Parkinson’s it’s such a delicate balance.  

Had a scare yesterday, the docs and pharmacy got confused and said I couldn’t get my refill for the main medication that I used to treat my Parkinson’s. After a lot of anxiety and talking they figured out it was a mistake on their end and I got the meds filled, but boy I was getting worried while all this was going down. I don’t handle stress well, so I try to avoid it as much as possible. Proud to say even though the last few days haven’t been good, I’ve maintained a positive attitude.

I’ve been hanging out with friends again on some Friday nights. We typically paint and or watch movies. Do art stuff or have discussions. I’m excited because we’re about to start a new table top (dice and paper) game campaign. This will seemingly last months and we’ll play every Friday. The most exciting part is we’re playing with mini characters and what not. I’ve never played anything with minis so I think this will be great. Typically you just paint your army or characters and be done with it but we’re trying something new. Since I have the 3D printer, every major upgrade our character gets in the game, so every month or two we’ll update our character models (on and purchase a new 3D model, print and paint. So by the end you’ll have painted models of your characters progression though the campaign. Being a collectables guy, this excites me. I love to print, paint, collect and game. This brings them all together.

I’ll be starting another Facebook fundraiser to hopefully get some donations for daily living things and now again art supplies. I still need more paint and some new resin for when the new printer gets here. I’ve updated my Amazon list with a couple things. Until SSI gets approved I’m going to be in constant need. If you have a little to give it means a whole lot more on my side. Every little bit gives me a few more days of security and that’s desperately what I need now. 

There’s always so much more but I try to keep these short enough that you’re not spending the entire time pooping reading just my blog. You need some variety. Yeah I’m gross, I read my phone when taking a dump. On that dirty note, I’m going to get my day started. Be safe my friend and much love to you all!