The Good Fight – Entry 47

dropKAGThe Good Fight

I come to you this evening with mixed feelings. I’m excited about all the projects I’m working on but I’m extremely saddened by the lose of a good friend…

Today suddenly I found out that Ralph Niese has passed away. Ralph was a friend, artist and a wonderful person. We’ve spoken much more these last couple months. I’ve been sharing my adventures in life and 3D printing. He’s been supportive, talked about how he was excited for the year to come, showed me his work from time to time. I had not had a chance to write back and then this… my heart is crushed. I only had room in my trailer for a smaller piece of framed art and of all that I own I chose a piece by Ralph because it made me happy every time I looked at it. It reminded me of my childhood and to never stop creating. Ralph supported me in many ways. He was a very accomplished and amazing artist. He encouraged my art. He encouraged my journey. He donated to my cause on multiple occasions. I find myself in tears knowing that I never got a chance to respond. I’m also unaware of the circumstances that caused his passing. What I do know is that this world has lost a special person and the world won’t be the same with out you Ralph. I wish I would have let you get the test cast Killer Croc back in the day, he along with all your art are forever homed in my collection. The toy which started our friendship… Much love on your journey beyond this life.

In honor of Ralph I’m going to post his profile picture. It always made me smile when I saw a new message and this picture pop up… Love you brother, rest well.

That’s been most of my day. I haven’t been feeling too well. Just very down. It’s been a long day. I woke up not feeling well. I tried to push through. I started setting up for test number 10 on the Glyos heads printing project. I’m please with the progress. Then after that I had an incident early today where I got into an argument and go yelled at by a friend. In hindsight it was for silly reasons and I think was just out of frustration. I understand the actions but with me you get what you give so negative equaled negative. The situation calmed itself after awhile and I regained some composure but the damage was already done. I could tell that the situation got me far too worked up and it threw my meds off for the rest of the day. I’ve been having tremors and sleeping most of the day since. Between loosing a friend and having just found out about it, being on a video chat and then getting suddenly pulled away verbally in anger just hit me hard. Nobody meant any harm so it is what it is but it just wasn’t good for me. So no, I haven’t accomplished near what I wanted to today and probably won’t. I’m actually going to go to bed really early and start tomorrow fresh.

Adventures in 3D printing! Still doing testing for the Glyos release. trying to get the prints down to minimal supports with best results. I’m currently on test #11! I think I’m really close to happy and for me that’s an accomplishment. I’m so OCD that it’s hard to please me. I can accept the smallest of flaws from time to time but I’m always searching for that perfection in my prints and other. Does it take a little longer and cost a little more, yes… but the end result is much better for the customer and that’s the most important part. I also picked up another small job printing a prototype figure for a friend. That made me happy because the figure is awesome and the artist has been very supportive of me. So another cool thing the printer has brought me. Most importantly it’s brought me back to life. I feel like I have purpose again, creative energy flowing through me. It’s absolutely wonderful. Let’s just hope I can keep people interested! New models coming soon! Just have to get through this little project first.

Nothing has changed in the way of lawyers or doctors. Meds are mostly working, most of the days. Still waiting on the medication specialist. Still surviving on Boost shakes a lot but that’s better than the alternative. It’s still hard to eat. I’m assuming it’s just the continued stress. Once I find stability in my life I think that will smooth out.

Speaking of stability my Facebook Fundraiser ended itself. I must have done something wrong. I’ll give you guys a break with that for a day before starting it back up. If interested you can always go to and make a direct donation or a donation from my Amazon list (updated today).

Again, an HUGE THANK YOU to all that donate, purchase my art, conversate, help me in any way. I survive because of you and I’m humbled. I appreciate you all more than you will ever know. For now I’m going to kick back, take the night off, watch a movie and just remember the good times with all the friends I’ve lost. Please please stay safe out there my friends. Again I appreciate you all. Thank you for following my journey. MUCH LOVE to everyone!