The Good Fight – Entry 45

dropKAGThe Good Fight

Yep! I’m still here. My hands haven’t been working well so not able to type all that well. As like right now I’m typing about 3 to 5 words a minute… My hands are tremoring, rigid, extremely sore. Been working them hard and myself too… so let’s get into all of that. Slowly lol.

Firstly I live with a friend on their property. He has been generously paying for my rent, water, electric, cell, some food and more at times. Even when I know he can’t afford it, he still does it. So certain times of the year I help out around the property to try and repay his kindness. He’s never asked for a dime, is always supportive so it’s the very least I could do. I push through some fairly hard times to get stuff done for him. It breaks me but is rewarding. The blog has suffered because it’s leaf clean up time. We’ve been raking and picking up leaves for days now. My body and hands are taking the hit hard, it takes me down a notch mentally but physically it kills me. So a little insight, I can at times do a decent amount of physical labor. I can push for up to 5 or more hours. It’s the repercussions of that which take me down. So for that 5 hours my recovery time can be from many hours up to and beyond a couple days. I’ve pushed for a few days now, a few hours each day. Without giving the proper recovery because we’re trying to get it done before snow comes again. My body is in a really rough spot at the moment and my mind is degraded. My tremors are bad, rigidity at a 7 / 10, pain 9 / 10, energy non-existent, etc. One thing is that I do need this, the more I use it, the less I will loose it… when it comes to Parkinson’s at least. So to get exercise in any way is good for me. I’ve just been rough the past year so I don’t get as much exercise as needed. Therefore, this leaf season is kicking my ass right now. We have more to do today, I’m pushing through. I’ll die living and trying before I die any other way. NEVER GIVE UP! but yeah so hands are really bad, energy destroyed. Why less painting, printing and typing but I’m doing a good thing for a great man. Sometimes we have to further suffer in life to find that gratification of accomplishment. When done, I’ll be a dead duck but I’ll feel really good.

Moving on. Still printing and painting. Just slowed down a bit of course. I’m doing a lot of testing on multi piece prints. Also waiting on a paint order to finish some of these commissions. The good news is, if my calculations are correct, the printer is self sustaining for the moment. Meaning I’m not making a profit yet but what donations I’m making from the prints are paying for supplies. That’s an awesome start! I’ve got tons of new models to try, just need to get the yard done. This should be the last day… Thank goodness. Speaking of which typing break for yard work now. Owner is ready.

and back! Only took a few hours…

Donations are still coming in slowly from my Amazon list of which I’m eternally grateful for everything that has been donated. I’ve updated my list with a few things. I still have the fund raiser running here on Facebook. You can also buy any of the painted any of the 3D resin prints. If you’re seeing this some place other than, go check it out for an easier way to follow my journey, discover all the ways to support me, shop art and more! I would have never made it this far without the donations so they are extra important until I get my SSI disability approved.

We finally got the yard done today. I feel like I wanna go crash out now so going to call this one done for now. I will try to make another post later today with more info I just can’t type right now. I’m so sorry my hands are just totally shot for the time being. Going to get meds, eat and rest! but… I’ll be back lol.

Thanks for sticking with me, you all are greatly appreciated! Until next time, very soon, much love my friends!