The Good Fight – Entry 43

dropKAGThe Good Fight

I’m still here! As you can see by the many videos I’ve been posting on social media!
Instagram: @dropkag
Click in and give me a follow to see what art projects I’m currently working on! If you feel the urge buy or commission something and support my journey and battle again Parkinson’s Disease!

Ok, I’ve slowed the blog a little for a couple reasons. The first being my days are kind of boring. Second, I’m in a slight panic due to the slowing of monetary donations so I’m printing and painting 24/7 to hopefully be able to bring in some income, enabling me to get some essentials soon. I may post daily, I may post bi-daily, but I’ll never go more that two days without a post. Pinkie swear!

Life… print, paint, print, paint, rinse, repeat. Very fun, very satisfying, tires me out very much! So my hands are hurting a lot more these days but the trade off is worth it! I’m creating again and that’s special to me. I feel positive about life just scared because the big zero in the bank is going to hurt. It may even stop my ability to create… but I’m going to keep my chin up. Not tail spin and work hard to find a solution! Down to one pack of boost shakes and that’s not optimal, they’ve been keeping alive for sure. I’ve even gained some weight back! Other then that I try to take breaks, but haven’t been playing video games or watching tv/movies. Feel like there’s just not time so print, paint, print, paint to make some form of income. I will somehow make a business out of this! Again, feeling happier and positive just scared about money, par for the course these days. I really wish disability would just open their damn eyes…

Lawyers still doing legal things fighting for my SSI (disability). The modified medication regimen from the new neurologist is working better I think. I still need some slight modifications though for sure. Hopefully the referral to the medication specialist comes through faster than not. Other then that my movements better, although I did take a fall yesterday. Cut my figure open purty good but just held it tight and super glued away! Seems fine now, little sore but that’s it. No other injuries I’m aware of… Anyway, movement is better, less foggy, more pain, tremors are worse. So again still work to be done with the meds. Other then that it’s the same ol stuff.

I want to go for longer and I’m sure there’s more to talk about but my day is already falling behind. So back to painting until my doctors appointment. My mind is feeling a bit anxious so it’s difficult to write also. WE WILL GET THROUGH THIS! As for now I’m off to get dirty. Stay safe and remember I might be slacking a tiny big on the blog but YOU ARE APPRICIATED! Much love my friends!