The Good Fight – Entry 42

dropKAGThe Good Fight

So first I’ll start with an apology. I guess yesterday got away from me… I swear I made my daily post and next thing you know I’m off to bed, decided to check Facebook, noticed I didn’t copy the post over? Well that’s because I didn’t make one. My bad… blame it on the Parkinson’s 🙂

Well let’s start with yesterday. HEATER IS STILL WORKING! Hoooray! Scott saved my rear cause it’s snowing again today. Nicky also bought be a space heater so I have some security, double hoooray! So a easy summery of yesterday was mostly painting and printing. I’ve painted almost 4 Snailiens so far, have a 5th (and last) commission left to do this weekend. Then I have to box them all up Monday and get them shipped off to their new homes! Worst part about selling… boxing things up. I had a short video chat in the AM where I sold another part of my collection. It never gets any easier and it feels like I’m slowly loosing the last of the stuff I love. Sad but true. Creating and new things has been great! Learning isn’t cheap though, you can go through resin fast trying to figure out supports on a multi part print. Resin is on my Amazon list (notated as creative supplies) The mid morning the nurse stopped by, hung out for a bit and then off onto her day. So yeah overall kind of a boring day… I’ll take it. OH! I did get a really nice and stylish half zip wool sweater from a friend! and thank you! So yeah that was the majority of my day. I needed an uneventful day.

On the health front, still working in this new medication regimen. I think it’s working better on the mental side and I can move a little better. The trade off has been my tremors are worse and my pain went up. My hands have seemed to be a bit more rigid lately and hurting a lot more. I assume from all the extra use. Seems to always be a trade off with my health mental and physical. One thing gets better, two things get worse. What a journey… I still have a referral to see a guy named Nick, who everybody just praises. We shall see if I sing his praise too I guess? He’s a medication specialist, evidently a really really good one. So there’s a little hope on that horizon!

With it getting colder, I’m going through propane faster. I’m even supplementing with electric during the day to help reduce propane usage. I can only do that so much before I rack up a massive electric bill for the property owner. Him giving me rent, some food, bathroom facilities, electric, water (bottles) and paying my cell phone. I try my best to use as little as possible. He’s done this for almost two years without complaint. He’s not a wealthy man, just a really really good person. My fear is I’ve got under $100 in my bank account again. My propane account is almost down to zero dollars. I’m low on (food stamps) EBT funds for food. I need some other non food living supplies. I’m trying to find them on Amazon so I can add them to my donations list but unfortunately they don’t have everything. Even though it sure does seem like Amazon has it all, they just don’t unfortunately. My black water tank is full and that’s cost $50 to empty… so I don’t have to walk all the way in the house to just pee. It can be dangerous at night in the dark. I also noticed my winter jacket is getting fairly worn out. I’ve had it for years now, it’s done well by me but I’ll be needing a new one soon. Those aren’t cheap… at least the decent ones. Cheap coats never work out well for ya… you just end up wet and cold anyway and wasted money on cheap crap. I get tired of how today is a use it and toss it society. I nabbed a hoodie from a friend 15 years ago and it’s still keeping me very warm today. Anyway, with the shortage of actual funds I’m starting to get scared and go back into panic mode. I’m trying not to but things just aren’t selling fast enough from the collection. I can’t make enough money with art yet, it basically just pays for supplies to make more art. Speaking of which I also need to make a paint order and that’s just not happening right now. Yet another fear running out of supplies. I haven’t bought paint in over two years… I just had a lot which is now down to very little. So if you followed me through that anxious mess above I’m starting to run low on things people haven’t donated, which cost money of which I do not have. I might run out of supplies to create which is basically my therapy and my only potential for income at this time. So yes, I’m very nervous, frustrated, anxious and scared again. Starting to seem like common thing and I dislike it greatly.

With all that being said I have multiple ways you can donate! Check out for my Amazon list (updating later today), direct donation links for PayPal and Venmo, shop art, follow my journey and more! I also have a fund raiser for propane and extra life expenses on Facebook ( You can also commission an art piece from me! Yes if you haven’t noticed I make things. I can make cute things too! I just tend to post the things I like most the most. Which typically aren’t cute things, but there are exceptions. So please please please if you have a little to give, I would be extremely grateful.

and back to begging for funds 🙁 oh life how I dislike you sometimes. If the government would just get off their fat wallets and give this one little guy some well deserved support we wouldn’t have these problems. Nope, they have to do the 2 year, probably much longer dance. I will be ecstatic when my SSI (disability) gets approved…

Well on with my day! Going to try and make it a great one and do more! Do as much as I can! For now, I’m staying positive as possible and going to keep moving forward. I have faith either donations will come in or I will find a path. Until the next installment of “My Life, The Roller Coaster Ride”, be safe my friends. I very much appreciate you all and thank you for the continues support. MUCH LOVE EVERYONE!