The Good Fight – Entry 39

dropKAGThe Good Fight

It was a working, tired, mostly uneventful weekend. So let’s just jump right into it!

Tired… very tired. I haven’t been sleeping well. My schedule is all messed up. I am eating a little better thanks to the Boost shakes but still not where I need to be. I seem to be improving but it’s all so hard to tell because my medication regimen is not correct. I just got the referral today for a medication specialist to hopefully get things under control. I see my new neurologist later today (via tele-health)! Excited about that for sure! I understand he may not be able to do much but at least it’s a Parkinson’s specialist. That’s the majority of the main health stuff the lasts few days.

For the most part, besides feeling not so great physically or mentally, I’ve just been doing art as I can. Still learning my new gift, the 3D printer. Doing fairly well but there is a learning curve for sure. It’s an interesting process that has been keeping my brain occupied. Other then that just painting, I have a few commissions and pre-sales that I’m working on. A little slower than I’d like but knocking things out one by one! I was very excited that my first venture into printing and painting “Snailien” was so well liked! I’m my own worst critic so I never do know what folks will think and nothing is ever good enough for me lol… ocd about perfection most of the time. I’m learning that it can’t all be perfectly perfect… and that’s where you find beauty! BUT YES! …. watch my Facebook and Instagram for new painted 3D prints for sale! or contact me if you want something more specific! Check out to follow my story easier, shop and learn about all the ways you can help me.

Speaking of help… lovely Energy Assistance still has “no funding”. I so enjoy dealing with federally funded and controlled programs. It’s 98% bullshit before you get help. Then they can just say “no funds” at the drop of a hat leaving people like me to freeze to death. YES, winter is here, it snowed a bit yesterday. Temps have been way down. I started a new charity fund raiser for basically propane (mainly), living essentials that can’t be gotten from Amazon and what food my “ebt” (food stamps) doesn’t cover each month. I hope to find an income of sorts via this 3D printing but we shall see. As soon as I get some form of stability I’ll never ask for another dime unless in dire need. Again, this is all very humbling..

I’ve got a busy day and a busy week! Doctors, errands, lots of printing and painting. I’m sure I’ll be worn to the bone by weeks end. I just hope this is a productive week, I’m sure going to try my best!

Ok, still really tired. Feeling a bit rough. Didn’t get much sleep. So gonna call this one short. I will however make it a point to do another short one later this evening to fill in what I forgot this mid morning. Goal set… 2 blog posts today!

Alrighty! for an easy way to follow my journey, shop art and learn all the ways you can currently support me. Stay safe out there! I appreciate you all and much love my friends!!!