The Good Fight – Entry 34

dropKAGThe Good Fight

Ok we’ve made it to 34, so we’re doing goood!

Well today has been busy but mostly just that busy work. This morning I woke up and did the normal morning routine. Streches, Dart (doggy) and coffee. Then I packed packages. Decided to take the day off painting because my hands are killing me today but we’ll get to that later. Got the packages to the mail box. Played some PS4 to work and warm up my hands. Then on with the rest of the day.

Let me first day yesterday for some reason was a great day medically, today not as much. I’ve been foggy, in and out of it. Back to the same old crap today… The nurse stopped by for a bit and chatted that was nice. I decent sized pile of boxes showed up! That post coming soon! Other then that just little bits of work when I could and rested when I couldn’t. Fairly tired right now so this will be a short one.

I have another auction up. $25 starting bid shipped to you! Custom hand drawn vinyl art playing card figure. GO BID and help a guy out lol!!! I’ll have another custom Skadball coming soon for all you Madballs, gross, vintage looking toy and art collectors!

I don’t have much for my amazon list at the moment but I’m going to do a check list to be sure I’m setup. I’m just so extremely grateful for all of you. Some of you wen to far above and beyond I was in tears. Every tiny little bit helps so much in such a huge way it’s hard to explain. What I’ve gotten this past week has taken so much stress off me. I’m starting to feel like there might be hope if I can just get the lawyers and disability to move faster… yeah right. I’ll be asking and selling for the foreseeable future. I hope not long but you never can tell. Just know that right now everyone that has donated in any way… you are saving my life. There are no appropriate words to explain my feelings.

Well I’m gonna call it short tonight. Super tired and it’s really early. I fear an insomnia night, so going to try and stay up longer to see if I can get a better nights sleep. Be safe out there and much love my friends. Thank you for being here with me on my journey.