The Good Fight – Entry 29

dropKAGThe Good Fight

Alright alright alright… Ok now that I’ve got that off my chest. Let’s get going. Yesterday was a real kick in the man candies. So I woke up feeling like pure death. Seemingly because I worked my ass off trying to prepare the shop for the winter. It’s the only place I’ll have to work. Fire heated and insulated fairly well so it should do. I really wish we had more space to setup work stations. Plans on top of plans but no way to execute them currently. My little travel trailer is slam packed with working stations. For digital design, painting, the Cameo machine, my cutter and vinyl working. I have no place to setup a lot of stuff so everything is stored and I set it up as I use it. For someone with Parkinson’s that’s exhausting. I need to figure out a better solution but as for right now limited funds, limited space… I don’t know if there’s a good solution that wouldn’t cost much more money then I currently have. So new challenge I guess.

As the day went on things went from bad to good, back to bad, then worse back to good. Yeah yesterday was a real rollercoaster! Lots of little problems, no reason to focus on them here because after a little work everything is seemingly better. BUT… I found a new path that people have responded to! I’m going to create art for survival and funds! It’s therapy and income (hopefully). We shall see how the new path works. I’m also still chasing other dreams and projects as funds come available.

Medically I’m doing ok. The med change was good. I’m waiting to hear back from my GP and my Neuro (doctors) so we can make another meds change. I’ve been doing a lot around here and a lot with PT/OT. It’s been really kicking my ass but helping a lot. I have a full schedule today, so I’m sure it will be another ass kicker. I have the nurse stopping by, my social worker both which I love! So I’m excited! Other then that I’m just trying to learn the disease, my body, what works best. It’s all a game of chance. Never know what will work and what won’t. I’ve been eating better. The boost shakes really help. Seems like liquids go down easier at first and that helps prompt my hunger. So that’s good. Not much else to report besides all this work and movement have my pain at a 7 to 8 out of 10. My tremors have been randomly bad. My memory has been horrible. Balance as been ok, a couple spills here and there. The tremors, rigidity, pain and forgetfulness/foggy/blank mindedness are the main things I want to work on and improve the most. I’d also like to build back up some strength.

The past few days haven’t been bad but haven’t been great. I keep hitting walls in every direction. With my projects, energy, brain, etc. Everything that seemingly can go wrong so far has. I’ve worked through it all. Lack of funds, broken equipment, lack of supplies, lack of the proper equipment. I did finally have a break down and lost it for a bit. I recovered fast and moved on but it was a small yet just another hard hit. Even small problems seem massive for me, due to again lack of funds, lack of energy and sometimes the inability to understand because I’m having a Parkinson’s moment. It’s all a big mess that I’m slowly trying to sort through… that bring us to YOU the next section.

I keep getting blessed with such generosity. It blows my mind how people do actually care. I’ve said it before. I do not like begging. It’s humbling and a bit depressing. I’ve worked hard all my life and asked very little of others. Later in life before I got hit with Parkinson’s, I used a lot of my time to try and give back to others. I’d give and help anywhere I could and never ask for anything in return. I always wondered if there were others out there like me… or like I was, there are! It’s you who have kept me going through the hardest of times. People have given me support is so many ways. I feel so extremely blessed. There’s no way I could ever show my appreciation properly. I typically either cry once a day because of two things… yes I cry. Either because of some problem smacking me in the face or someone being far too kind or both lol. I find it’s getting harder to take from others. I hear stories worse than mine and feel sad, wondering who’s taking care of them. Everyone needs someone. I don’t have anyone but you all and for that I’m very grateful. Even though I helped others when I had the ability I never truly understood what they were going through until I got sick. It’s hard… really really really hard. To be unable to care or support yourself is one of the worst feelings in the world. Think about that the next time before you criticize someone for needing / asking for assistance / help. Just a suggestion that I wish someone would have given me earlier in life.

Well as of this morning my spirits are high, body is hurting, I’m enjoying my coffee wondering who reads this crap lmao! I’m going to try and setup up the blog. Start making more update posts so they aren’t as long. Separate things into sections and subjects. Start posting on my art projects and maybe even works in progress. I have lots of plans, let’s see how far I can take this! I’m going to try and make a second post before bed time, but we’ll see how that works out.

For now stay safe out there, it’s still crazy! Thank you so very much for all the support in every possible way. I’m taken back and again feel so very grateful for all of you! Until the next installment of randomness, MUCH LOVE MY FRIENDS!

Check out I’ll be expanding it this weekend. My Amazon list SHOULD be fixed…!?!