The Good Fight – Entry 24

dropKAGThe Good Fight

Alright! This is a rough but good one!

Third official post from… we’re actually doin this people. I’m proud I made it to 24. I’m not much for writing. I am an over sharing person, so assuming that’s fueling this hot mess lmao! Well let’s get on with it.

First a quick Monday update, I think I missed some of that. I did the normal morning stuff. Then got a hair cut at noon-ish. Then ran errands, meds and groceries. Did some work on setting up some design files and updated the “About” section of the website a bit. Then wasn’t feeling well again so went to bed early. So not a bad day but not the greatest day. Ok quickly done!

Yesterday… was good. I was feeling extra stressed and anxious but overall mentally positive. I know that sounds silly but what I mean is I could still feel the bad but there was a lot of positive. I got to game with my buddy UB after the normal morning stuff. So stretches, doggy, coffee, then some gaming. Oh can’t forget the bathroom break in there somewhere lol. Anyway, it was a good time. Good conversation even though I was feeling and being a bit anxious for some unknown reason or same crap that’s been messing with me. Next I started running test cuts on vinyl and nailed it in just a few tries. Very happy about that… learning this machine is a challenge but keeps my mind busy and I need that right now. I’m ended the night failing but understanding how to correct the problem. Asked the artist if I could slightly modify the design for decals. He agreed and now it’s working perfect…

So then off to bed I went and slept horrible. Woke up to the above. The artist agreeing to let me make the design decal friendly so I changed it. Made my first cuts and everything looked great! Then came the appointments. Saw the OT first. She’s focusing on physical therapy stuff too, adding a bit to my PT to push me. Next came the nurse, so wonderful to see her. We talked. She said I looked tired and I was… because I forgot to tell you… that this morning I worked in the shed for an hour or more getting things a bit more organized and ready. I’m going to attempt to put the new little free 3D printer in there. Hoping it works. I really really want the wash and cure station but it’s $150 and that would be an irresponsible use of funds in my current situation. It goes along with the printer and would make the process much easier for me with my limited mobility, etc… but meh I’ll figure out how to work around it. I might throw it on the Amazon list! Maybe if somebody is feeling extra generous!?! Speaking of which THANK YOU! for the folks that are looking and getting me things off the list! SO MUCH LOVE! I might end up putting some craft supplies on there but I’m trying to keep it to living life and quality of life stuff. I’ll be updating it again tonight before bed. So in-between all of the appointments I didn’t get to game today. I was sad because UB was on, I hope he’s on tomorrow. I did however get 9 decals done! That’s great for how stiff and painful my hands and entire body are at this point. So for the rest of the night gonna try to get some more decals cut… that’s cut not weeded. Weeding is taking out the extra vinyl after the cuts are made. My hands are too worn out for that, I’ll start again tomorrow. I’ll post a video soon showing that process when my hands feel better. Now comes meds, then dinner, put the machine on auto and head to bed 🙂

Anyway, long day today, first working in the shed then preparing for the resin drop… which I will continue to work on over the next day or two, along with cleaning and trying to prepare for winter. Uggg… I can feel my energy draining away already. Thanks Parkinson’s lmao!

Oh and fixed the links on the homepage so they work correctly like the donations page! Sorry about that 🙁 You can now click from there.

Ok, I’ve bothered you long enough, stay safe out there in this crazy world. REMEMBER… I APPRICIATE YOU! Much love my friend!!!