The Good Fight – Entry 25

dropKAGThe Good Fight

Another post from the all new!

Man this is going to be a weird one… UPS… DOWNS… it’s been crazy!

So it all started yesterday morning. Did the routine. Bathroom, Doggy, Coffee. Sat down and was waiting on some stuff, and UB was on gaming! So I decided to warm up the hands. I sign on, PSN update, then… NOTHING F-N WORKS! F-me… I tried for about 45 minutes give or take to get it working and I think we both said screw it. I know it was disappointing on both sides.

Then I worked on decals for my up coming resin release. Totally forgot OT lady was showing up so SURPRISE! It was a nice visit! We worked on some exercises that would complement my current PT. Then I had meds and lunch quickly before PT! Yep I actually remembered this one. So we did the normal walk and talk. He brought his static bike thing, do not know what they are called?!? but it was so he could mount my bike and I could ride in a static position. Biking is literally my favorite activity so I was very excited. We pulled the bike out of the packed shed. It was minor work but felt like moving a mountain. Got the bike out. Tires flat of course, it’s been sitting for probably two years almost. Decent setup, I put a lot of work in it (with some help back in the day) to build a nice rig out of a Cannondale Trail 4 SL29. Which brings us to the next concern. We both wondered since I had 29″ wheels and he had the current standard of 27.5″ wheels I think he said. BUT FIRST the tubes, had to get air in them to see if it was even possible. So I went to work. It hurt like hell but I pushed though! Got down got caps off, unscrewed the stem, put on the air pump… and proceeded to pump up both tires. At that point if I hadn’t been so excited to ride I probably would have collapsed. THEN… the 29″ wheels wouldn’t fit in his device. I was disappointed but got a lot of exercise in just getting to that point so it was great! I was sad however, I didn’t get to ride my bike. Overall it was a good visit. By that time I was thrashed. So I Decided to nap until the mail came.

Mail came, phone woke me up with delivery notification. Grabbed the package… not was I was expecting. It’s a private project so I don’t want to get into details, but I was a bit sad and frustrated. Such is life. It will all work out one way or another. I vented to a friend, probably a little too much, so that stressed me out. I hate when I over vent I’m always afraid someone will just say ok too much and block me. It happens all the time. It makes me extra sad. But enough sad. After that I was fairly well done. I tried to work on some stuff but couldn’t hands have been really bad for the past couple days. Over use I think. Time for a hand break day probably. So I stayed up until dinner and then crashed out fairly early.

Had a rough time sleeping. Woke up at two AM, was talking with friends about projects all morning. Just need to get some capital or income and I’d be good I think. Unfortunately, with all my latest attempts life’s been biting my hand. So things haven’t been so great… yeah I’m a bit depressed again, I think. BUT… keep moving forward. Onward and upward as they say.

A bit tired now so we’ll call this one good. I might do an afternoon update or I might do a morning update tomorrow… either way I’ll try to post some more art / design / craft type stuff today at some point!

Stay safe out there my friends! You are appreciated! MUCH LOVE!!!