The Good Fight – Entry 23

dropKAGThe Good Fight

The second post from the new blog on!

Yesterday wasn’t very productive. I felt ok in the morning. I got up did the normal routine, let the dog out, made coffee, sat down wrote a little and then read a little. My hands were hurting fairly well so I decided to do some gaming before I finished my “work”. Or what I have left to call work I guess lol. So I did a little gaming. My buddy UB was on so that was super cool. He ended up having to do some work after awhile so I moved on to working on things. Made a couple calls. My resin for the 3D printer came in, so I’m excited but the 3D printer won’t be here for a couple weeks at best… Can’t wait to try it out. But a little scared, lmao, we’ll get into that in a bit. Next I finished up the website site as much as I could. I still need to add a couple more pages and a gallery. Coming soon… Made my blog post and then the day turned into a shyt show. I started feeling horrible early afternoon and crashed. I ate some food to be sure I had something in my tummy. Laid down and that was that until later in the evening.

I fell asleep early, just after noon, woke up between 6 and 7 pm. Talked to a few folks. Think I might have made a post or two. Hard to remember. I went down with the intention to do something. Sat there for awhile and started feeling like shyt again so I took my evening meds, a little late. Went back up, laid back down and proceeded to call it a night. Actually slept fairly well, only woke up a couple time. That’s good for me.

Ok what next… let’s talk about the 3D printer. I did have a productive conversation with a friend about resin 3D printers and they sound like a real pain in the a$$! but that’s about par for the course in my life. I’ve always loved a challenge. I don’t know if that still hold true. I was a little taken back hearing about the process. I did however get some great tips. It also didn’t seem any worse than the 80k dollar 3D printer I had 8 or 9 years ago… I think it will be fine. I got the printer for basically free so at this point I’m thinking of it as an adventure.

Been feeling a little extra anxiety and stress. Still haven’t found any good methods for income and that continues to haunt me. Fund raisers and begging only go so far… I need to get this figured out soon. I’ve been thinking and it does seriously concern me but I’m doing the best I can to keep myself from freaking out. I’ve always had a plan in life and a path to follow which always included an income. Not having that path, life being questionable, not having an income is definitely still taking it’s toll on me both mentally and physically. Trying to push through, hoping I can figure it out soon!

So today the goal is a little gaming, doing something creative, get a hair cut, and run two errands. Which by that time I should be sufficiently thrashed and ready to crash! I have some painting, cleaning, building and winter prep I still need to do. So I’ll try to add something else in but who knows how far I get. Every day is an adventure. I do need to learn I can’t go as long or as hard as I use to. I need to pace myself better and so that will be fun to figure out. Never had to worry about energy, focus or drive…

For some reason I don’t feel like this update was really fulfilling… but that could just be because I’m having a very anxious morning. I’m working on toning that down so I can make this a more successful day.

I do really appreciate you following my story if you’re reading this. I plan to start adding photos and videos maybe even vlogging sooner or later. I just need to get my life in a better place before I expand too fast.

With that be safe out there and MUCH LOVE MY FRIENDS!