The Good Fight – Entry 22

dropKAGThe Good Fight

Here were are! The first official blog post from the all new

As the website states… “Hello! Thank you for being here! My name is Ken Goff, I’m also known as dropKAG. This website is dedicated to helping me survive, hopefully thrive and document my journey though life after being diagnosed with aggressive early onset Parkinson’s Disease at 40 years old in the spring of 2019. Eventually I’d like to dedicate my life to helping others, but first I need to learn to help myself!”

So from here on out I’ll be posting EVERYTHING HERE and then I’ll double post the blog posts to Facebook for those that would rather read them there. This site however has the ability to reach a far greater audience and hopefully help bring me support while creating awareness. I have a fund raiser running on Facebook currently. This site gives alternative options to donate to my cause, see the “DONATIONS” section. It also allows me to sell products in this web store and link stores on other sites I may have. The ultimate goal is to remove the donations page and be 100% independent but until then I have to rely on your generosity. As I’ve said many times before you are all greatly appreciated! Much Love!

So I’ve been absent on Facebook the last day and a half, possibly more. I’ve kind of lost track of time and at the moment I’m a bit foggy. It’s been a long and challenging couple of days. I’ve come to realize, I’ve still got some talent… I just work much slower and things take a lot longer to figure out. I guess that’s what higher level cognitive issues means… lol. I do know that my obsessive compulsive behavior is still there because once I started on the site I didn’t stop until it was to a “presentable” point. Of which it’s kind of at now. There is still much work to do be done. I want to add a gallery for my photography and post projects. I want to add a lot of things… but in time.

Feel free to message me if you see spelling or really bad grammar mistakes lmao!

Other then that I haven’t been doing much else. Just working hard on recreating the blog completely unfiltered here on the site from Facebook. That took that longest of course. Now here we are, ready to expand and continue our journey. I guess this definitively decides that I’m going to keep blogging and eventually start vlogging when I decide the best method for me.

I have a couple new fun projects in the works so there should be more info on that posted fairly soon. This blog will eventually start to include my creative endeavors under a separate title.

OK! I’m totally wiped out. My mind and body need to rest. From here on out there should be a new blog post EVERY DAY!

Please and thank you on continued support. Be safe out there in that crazy world… Much love my friends!