The Good Fight – Entry 2

dropKAGThe Good Fight

I’m better today. Thank you for all the love and support. I’ve been in contact with my doctors and I’m currently looking for a lawyer. I’ve found a very nice person to hopefully help me navigate these very confusing waters. Remember just because I can create wonderful things doesn’t give my brain and body the ability to always work or think correctly. Much love to you all ❤🙏

No I have no idea what I’m going to do long term for an income any suggestions are welcome. Just know I’m unable to leave my home currently. AND please send suggestions via private message and not in the comments.

**Names Removed** and all the others… you know who you are I’m not gonna call out the crowd, there’s been a lot. I can’t explain the level of appreciation I have for the support you’ve shown ❤🙏
