The Good Fight – Entry 7

dropKAGThe Good Fight

Late Daily Update

Took the day off. Worked on some new designs. Played some video games. Nerves are shot so needed a break before Monday begins. In a decent mindset and things are going ok today. I still wish better but hopefully moving forward things will keep improving. I’m anxious still about everything… income, projects I’m working on, making sure I don’t upset people, keeping myself in the best mental state I can, etc. BUT I’ll get through it and keep moving forward. I’ll design the rest of the night and post some new things! Maybe watch some shows. I’m gonna be painting up a storm when the new brushes my buddy sent get here! Anyway, rambling now… much love all. Catch ya tomorrow.

As always if you’d like to discuss my situation or anything about it including suggestions just private message please. Comments reserved for support and love only❣️
