The Good Fight – Entry 21

dropKAGThe Good Fight

Edit: So while recreating these post on my website blog because I’m moving everything out there and will double post here. I found out somewhere around update 14 I duplicated a number again ๐Ÿคฆโ€โ™‚๏ธ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™‚๏ธ๐Ÿ˜‚ so we’re actually on day 21. Website info coming when I’m done.

Friday… which really means nothing to me anymore. I remember when Friday meant I worked hard that week and earned some freedom! Now we’re just in and un ending cycle. Guess that’s something else we’ll have to work on changing.

Anyway on with update 20… we’ve actually made it this far. I’m impressed I’ve been able to stick with it but for me, I think this for some reason is my glimmer of hope. Maybe someone reading will come up with the next idea to help put me on my new path. Maybe it’s simply me venting to anyone / no one just to get it off my chest. Who knows, maybe it’s something completely different. Either which way I’m gonna keep it up. Might even move it to my website and then double post here. My life is filled with thoughts, deciding if an action is worth the energy because I only have limited energy. I can go in short bursts through the day and they get shorter and weaker and the day grows long. For now we push on at least here.

Well yesterday was an adventure… I really didn’t have anything scheduled, planned or to do. So I tried to game. That wasn’t fun. My buddy UB hurt his back so he’s down for the count. I feel for him as my pain today is at an all time high, so I can sort of relate. It hurts like hell just to type this but I do because in the end it helps warm my hands up and exercise them. Back to UB… I hope he feel better soon, not only for his sake but I miss my gaming buddy! I’d rather none of my friend struggle or be in pain. I know how horrible it can be. So probably no gaming this morning. After the normal routine instead of gaming I did a video chat with a friend. We discussed life, toys/collectables, other things. It was great fun! He wanted to see a figure I actually still have in my collection to put on his want list for xmas ๐Ÿ˜†adult boys sharing their collectable toys. Oh my…

After that I went outside and walked around a bit for some exercise. Sat out there for awhile… Thought to myself dang that roll out awning looks awful bad. I’ll roll it out and try to get the awning off the frame so it doesn’t hold water again this winter. So there’s a rv manual in inside. I sit and take a look it says flip a couple switches it will roll right out, the awning is held in by rubber crap, should be easy enough… Famous last words some just recently said to me. So I flip two of the levers, nothing. I gave it a tug, nada. I flipped the second two and it moved! barely… but it moved! I was thinking cool we’re in business. Well, I move it a little and it does just that moves a little. So I give it a good pull, won’t roll out. I’m a little confused at this point. I give it a tiny, mind you a TINY shake. I then hear the awning start to tear from the top. It was already torn a tiny bit. Then most of the entire frame end up over my head half way on the little deck, half way in the rock drive. I called my buddies and stated that I got myself into a pickle. They came and helped move it. Disassemble it. Get the old awning trashed into a bag. Get the parts stored by the owners shop. Lastly got the rest of the frame down and everything sealed with caulk that needed it. I got my hands dirty but was told more than once “No, don’t do that”. I listen, for the most part ๐Ÿ˜†. So that was exciting. ๐Ÿค”

Next I took a break to rest, get some lunch and take my meds. That was nice but didn’t last long…

I then got the urge to do some more winterizing to keep myself going for the day. So I sealed a bunch of spots on the trailer that needed it. There area many more but I went as long as could. I rested for a short period. By then dinner was ready so I ate. I was still filthy from the day so I showered. I could feel the meds kicking in so I then went up put a movie on and went to bed… after chatting a little online first of course. For some reason I find that if I put a movie on I can fall asleep easier?!? So I woke up at about 2 am ish… After not being able to back to sleep. I got up turned on a movie and a person with Anycubic had contacted me back about reviewing their 3D printer. They work when we sleep, other side of the world. I’m not going to talk about any specifics but let’s put it this way. For a guy with ZERO income and very little money, as in almost none… this was very easy to afford. So yes it was exciting and will enable me to get started down another creative path. It’s not the exact printer I wanted but it was more obtainable both monetarily and time wise. The printer I want is a little newer, nicer, has a slightly larger build bed and is on back order for at least a month if not more. This one I’m getting is a super great printer, can get it fairly quick and I think this path presented itself for a reason… so I’m gonna roll with it. I’ve heard fantastic things about this one so I’ll let you know what I think after I get it! If you’re wondering what I’m talking about to be specific it’s an Anycubic Photon S 3D printer. So yeah that was very exciting! After that I said hello to a couple other friends that were working on the flip side of this planet and by that time I was tired again and went back to bed.

So all in all kind of a good day, lots of progress. Today I’m in massive pain so I know I probably over did it a bit. The meds aren’t working as well, tremors and such. I’ll take it though. I feel really good about getting a couple things done and look forward to getting a couple more done today! I want to focus on coming up with as many ideas as I can to make both short term and long term income. Feeling motivated thanks to a few old high school friends. You few know who you are, much love ๐Ÿงก๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ˜

So with that, be safe out there and remember be kind (and rewind?) to others. You never know what someone is going through. Until tomorrow! Much love my friends ๐Ÿงก๐Ÿ™๐Ÿค˜
