The Good Fight – Entry 20

dropKAGThe Good Fight

Well I just noticed day 17 happened twice 😆… damn you Parkinson’s. Yep now I get to blame everything on Parkinson’s, one of the few benefits… and that’s fixed. We now have a day 18.

Ok, here we go with another day. Did my stretches in bed, got up, felt ok. The stress seems to be less today and I kind of feel ok I guess, maybe happy?! It’s been so long since I’ve felt joy I think it’s a strange feeling. Sound odd but it’s true, I’ve just been fairly miserable this past year. I’m learning I need further help mentally. I know I’m strong, but everything I’ve gone through has taken a real toll on both my body and mind. So gonna start seeing the head talk doc a little more regularly and trying to talk to friends more.

So I let my dog out every morning. It’s freezing cold and when it’s dark I don’t let him out alone because it’s rural here. There are a lot of wild animals. I worry less during the day because this is a neighborhood of sorts, just on the very outskirts of town. So anyway, he does his business and then usually kicks up some grass. Typically gives out a bark or two and then tend to stand there… he looks at me, looks around and continues to repeat. I usually have to give him a “come on damn it lets go” before he decides to meander at his own pace with his little trot back to me. Then he just stares at me so I have to ask if he wants me to go out with him or if he still has to go. He usually either goes back out, me following (he’s f-n weird) or stands there. If he stands there then I usually say “well come on damn it it’s cold and dad needs his coffee” and he follows me back inside. He’s 10 now so his time may be short or we may have a few years. I worry about that and won’t stop because not being able to afford proper care for him has made me feel extremely bad but I do my best. My old vet has really stepped up and helped out a lot. I’m grateful for that and for him! I’m blessed he’s been my best buddy ever and I love him more than life itself 🧡

Ok so yesterday… I got on played some video game, my buddy UB wasn’t able to be on so that was sad. But my buddy Noc from the UK was on PC and we video chatted for a bit. It was fantastic, he always raises my spirits. We talked for I think hours… Then I worked on those pesky designs that have been haunting me. I hate when I can’t find the time to finish something that’s needed. Then was afternoon exercise stretches, meds and lunch. I the kept myself up finishing the design work and got it all sent off! YES I finally got it all done and submitted to the person/company. So hopefully fun news to come! Then I designed the tunic which you can see in the post below. You can read about that… funny thing is I didn’t have fabric so I used the only thing I had. Amazon sent me the wrong boxer briefs, boys medium… can’t fit in those so I got the right ones. Amazon is amazing for me! They said just keep those we’ll get you the right ones. This was 6 months ago. Last night I was looking around, what do I see in the corner. Yep the tunic is made out of snipped up boxer briefs and man does that material SUCK to work with, screw those. Visiting Amazon today for a couple sheets of decent backed fabric. Anyway, I’m excited to explore doing soft good for collectable and action figures. Loved by kids, adults and photographers alike! It’s just another avenue I’m exploring with a friend Fredrik Törnqvist from Sandviken, Sweden. He’s been at it for awhile so I’m excited to see what we can come up with when we put our heads together. Thank you Jeremy for wanting a dang tunic. I truly love ya brother! Next it was time for PT. That was long, felt exhausting which is good and took all that I had left. After that it was a little early for the normal someone else cooks dinner. I could feel my body crashing so I ate some soup and a sandwich. Then crashed out super early. Woke up later, made the tunic post, talked with a few folks for about and hour or so and then back to bed for the night. I slept fairly well, only woke up twice so that’s good. I tend to wake up several time a night due to pain. I need to ask the doc about that… anyway that’s about all there was yesterday. Not to shabby.

NOW… ON WITH THE DAY! Be safe out there and much love my friends 🧡
