The Good Fight – Entry 15

dropKAGThe Good Fight

Past two days flew by… with the new name I can skip a day here and there, not feel bad 🥴 So I’m gonna make this quick cause insomnia 5:30am, haven’t slept… yeah.

So good and bad. Some of the good. I’ve got a couple social workers trying to find me help. I’ve been to see my GP. She says I’m over stressed, too much anxiety and I’m not eating enough. Well that’s partly due to not being able to cook for myself and secondly I’m barely hungry these days. Yeah I know… don’t have to tell me. I’m trying it’s just not working well. I also had an in home PT evaluation, that person is taking me on for a few weeks to see what he can do to help. There is some planning being put in place but there’s a bit more help. More on this to come…

I’ve also decided to go with Allsup for my representation to fight for disability. It was suggested by the Parkinson’s Foundation and that’s good enough for me. All my doctors were upset because I really needed the disability bad… I’ve done phone and online interviews and stuff with Allsup. I’m going to contact them by the end of the week for an update. More to come on this also…

Still selling off what I have left and using funds from the help me campaign here on Facebook, fund raiser, begging for help, what ever you want to call it… so I’ve been using those funds to help me survive but I’m also still buying things to create. I’ve got paint, brushes, pens, software, a Cameo and supplies. This will help me start down my new journey. Yes I have a plan, don’t know if it will work or if I’ll even be able to come up with the funds to make it happen but I’m gonna damn well try my best.

As for funds, that’s still scary. I have to be very careful how I spend what little I have left. As I said, the FB fund raiser is helping the most right now. Selling my collection is helping too. Although I do buy a little when I sell a lot. Yeah yeah give me a break. A guy has to have some kind of life and collecting is mine even if it might be short lived if things don’t work out. I’m also going to be starting a Kickstarter soon, details to come. Also working on a Patreon, again details to come. Both of those will offer products for your support instead of just gimme gimme gimme of which I’m very … it’s hard to put into words but if I had to … extremely humbled by this whole experience. I hope nobody ever has to go though what I have. Yet I know they will and I know there are worse. Which makes me wonder… who’s helping them if it’s this hard for me to get assistance. I’ve got a few more things in the works but those are gotta have investment to run the projects and I just don’t have that right now. I hope to change that but it’s going to take a miracle.

Well that’s enough hooray or sad me, depending on what you as my readers focus on 😄🤷‍♂️

Much love and stay safe everyone 🧡🥴
